Cleaning our Teeth
Tuesday 31st May 2011
Day 2
Not a bad first night, got to sleep at about 12 midnight, and woke up about 7am, i have known them go to sleep at 2am and wake at 5am, so it is quite satisfactory.
On getting up we had breakfast of Cereal, Croissants, toast and spreads.
Then they did their duties, they were split into 4 groups, Health, Waitresses, Cooks and Housekeepers.
Cleaned the bathrooms and first aid room
The cook went to help in the Kitchen
Lay the tables and clean Dining area
Cleaned and tidied Seating area, do a weather chart on the days weather, clean cloakroom, and prepare and do Brownies Own, the theme was bullying and jealousy, and they read Cain and Abel.
After our duties we had Freetime and some used Adventure Playground.
One Browniw was headachy and i quietly sat with her and we read Secret Garden together, i cried but she didn't.
We then split into 2 groups 1 group went and did Zip Wire at Hautbois Lime Pits camp site with fully qualified instructors and the 2nd group did clown activities and in the afternoon we swapped over.
Then we got back for Lunch and had Chicken and Salad Wraps, Crisps and Fruit and after dinner made Clown Hats
Clown Activities
Then we had FREE time and some used the onsite Trampoline.
A Brownie gave me and Sue a card, 'Brownies are the Best', To Brown Owl Sue and Brown Owl Dawn, I love Brownie Pack Holiday, Love Hannah, ahhhh how nice makes it all worth it!
Then we had Tea, we had Pizza and Salad, followed by Ice Cream, Meringues, Sauce and Wafers,
After Tea we were invited to a camp fire by some guides we Know from Gayton

We songs we sang included
Campfires Burning
Gin Gan Gooli
The Little Green Frog
If your Happy and You Know it
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes
Bumble Bee
Kippers for Tea
Ate a Peanut
Quartermasters Store
Boom Shacka Shacka
This little guiding light of mine
My ship sailed to China
Singing in the Rain
Pizza Nut
When we left the Guides gave the Brownies some sweets.
Wednesday 1st June 2011
Day 3
Another good night, they went to sleep about 11pm and got up about 8am, not bad at all.
For Breakfast, we had cereal and a Pack Holiday Must Eggy Bread, and Toast.
We then did our duties
The Brownies own theme was Sharing.
We then left to go on a walk during the walk we did a Circus Scavenger Hunt, they had to find things beginning with the letters of Circus Performer.
We walked through Coltishall
Then went along the River Bure
We saw a nesting Swan
We saw Canoes
We saw Guides Playing Archery
We passed some of the Gayton Guides Kayaking
We went back through the ground of Hautbois House
We then had lunch of Sandwiches, Crisps and Fruit.
This afternoon we did two crafts, the first we made clown pencil tops with air drying clay.
Then we made Shrink Plastic Key Rings
Then we had a lady Anna Lawson in to do a Circus Skills session, she works with Sara doing a Circus Skills club, she used to work in the Circus.
During FREETIME the play chute came out
Sue is taking her Brownie Holiday License and this afternoon the tester arrived, and we are pleases to say SHE PASSED, but really we had no doubt about the outcome.
For tea we had Roast Pork, Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire Pudding, Stuffing, Vegetables and Gravy followed by Yoghurt.
Then we Face Painted each other Clown Faces
And who said we had sensible leaders..................
I found out what a Teddy Bear Roll was
We did a Circus Performance using the skills we learnt earlier.
Had a shower and bedtime story
Played a game of Uno
Then we went to bed.
Thursday 2nd June
Day 4
Not a bad night. Got up and for breakfast had Cereal and Sausage in a Roll.
Then we did our duties
Theme for Brownies Own was Being Helpful
Then we made some things,
First we put together some Pop Corn Boxes for the Brownies to take their makes home
Then we painted some Spinning tops
Then we made Weeble clown eggs
During Freetime one excellent Brownie hula hooped for 13 minutes
For Lunch we had Jacket Potato, Cheese, Beans, Salad and Coleslaw followed by Jelly and Squirty Cream.
However, Our most responsible leaders had a Squirty Cream Fight
Then after lunch we did the most important part and that is shopping
First we visited Patteson Lodge Honesty Shop
Then we went across the road to Hautbois House in Groups to look at their shop
Then we had a Sports Afternoon organised by our wonderful young leaders.
First was who could Hula Hoop the longest.
Three Legged Race
Egg and Spoon Race
Skipping Race
Water Relay Race
4th Place was Sea Lions
3rd Place was Monkeys
2nd Place was Lions
1st Place was Sea Lions
For Tea we had Pasta Bake followed by Toffee Cream Tart
Then we played a Kims Game to complete our Three Peaks Challenge
Then we watched Dumbo before bed
And at half time we enjoyed Popcorn
Then went to bed.
Friday 3rd June 2011
Day 5
Brownies had a good night and we got up this morning reasonably on time, however, there were some minor sore throats and sniffles including me , we had toast for breakfast as we had run out of cereal, some had yoghurt or fruit if they didn't like toast.
Then time to get ready and packed, we had fun rolling up some sleeping bags, at 9am it was complete chaos in the dormitories, and i didn't think there was anyway we could be ready.
Then they collected their makes
When they had got there bags packed, they put them outside of the front door and went out the back door to play games and sing songs with the young leaders while the leaders cleaned the house.
We then had elevenses with a drink and cake.
We then had our last Brownies Own which focussed on the Environment
Then we had our Brownie Ring
Sara gave out prizes
Sue gave out Badges and a Bookmark to all participants that has become a Brownie Pack Holiday Tradition
All the leaders had a thank you present from Sue
Then we finished off by having a sing song
By now the parents were arriving so we got our belongings together and went out to greet our parents.
Memorable Moments
- Zip Wire
- A few brownies waking up with a rash under the chin, it took a while to work out that the cause was a combination of the safety helmets and the heat during the Zipwire.
- The Sun and the Heat
- A Brownie Birthday
- Squirty Cream Fight
- Campfire