We arrived at Sandringham and a group of us decided on doing the Blue trail which said approx 1 mile.
On the way, it got quite black and started to rain, and we got a little worried, but it turned into a lovely evening and a lovely walk.
We say Grey Squirrels, as well as a Grey Squirrel nest (drey......)
We saw a young Jay, sitting on a log in a puddle
And at the end at the top of a fir tree we saw and heard a Songthrush.
This 1 mile walk ended up as being 6131 steps and 2.80 miles long.
During the walk we saw a helicopter hovering and circling, we wondered if it was the Queen coming home, then on the way home we saw 3 police cars and a police van stopped, and an ambulance speeding along with flashing lights, i wonder what was going on!
We also saw a fantastic round bright orange sun setting, the sky was just amazing colours.
27th June 2010
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