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Thursday, 24 December 2015

Family Christmas Party - One More Drama

Yesterday was our Annual Christmas Party, all ready, table laid, posh frock on awaiting the invasion, and believe me when it arrived it arrived with a bang.

6pm arrived and at first we heard voices and was just commenting that they had arrived when there was an exploding noise, the house shook and we were deafened.

Dylan, 9yr old Grandson, ran up the garden path at full pelt, and completely shattered our Patio Door, he was a little battered and was taken to A&E as a precautionery measure, he was X rayed and the verdict was he was just bruised, They got back about about 8pm.

In the meantime Sophie his 15yr old Autistic sister had a complete meltdown, she was screaming, shaking and hysterical, she completely wrecked my small bedroom, blaming Dylan for ruining everything, she hated him and never wanted to see him again, eventually she calmed down but was still not happy.

Apart from these dramas it was a reasonably successful evening and a pleasant time was had by all present.

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