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Thursday, 11 October 2012

Steven at Doctors

Today Steven went to the Doctors and he gave him a sick note for 3 months.

Steven has been told he is aneamic. Normal levels are 12 and Steven is 10, coincidentally Debbie has just been diagnosed with Aneamia with exactly the same levels.  Steven has got to go to the hospital to have a camera down to make sure there is no internal bleeding.

Anaemia is a condition that develops when your blood does not contain enough healthy red blood cells. These cells are the main transporters of oxygen to the organs in your body. Symptoms of anaemia - like fatigue - occur because your organs aren't getting enough oxygen.

10 on the anemia scale means a few different things; that you are below range with a Hgb of 10, indicating anemia, classed as a grade 1 borderline mild to moderate anemia, you are pulling from your iron stores (ferritin) in the bone marrow and organs. All of which is corrected with iron IF this is due to a straight forward simple (IDA) iron deficiency anemia.

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