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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Pooh Bridge by Nigel Lampard

Thoroughly enjoyable book, different and enjoyable.

When Richard Blythe's wife, Rachel, dies from cancer after a protracted illness, he is determined to get away from it all amid the wilds of the countryside, abandoning his young twins, his job, his friends and all known responsibilities for a few precious weeks of recuperation.

However, within days, the world has caught up with him, confronting him with a vulnerable girl whom he finds unconscious and who clearly has more of a story to tell than she is divulging.

This unfortunate meeting kicks off a series of events that unsettle Richard's life to the point where he can no longer anticipate what will happen next or gauge who is on what side, until he meets the seductive Sophie who has all the appearances of liking him but seems to be working to another agenda Richard can only guess at.

'Pooh Bridge' is a mesmerising murder mystery, seeped in grief, which continuously offers the promise of the beguiling snake that is coiling and coiling in readiness to strike you.

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