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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Number Fun Interest Badge

Choose and do five of the following. 

* Imagine you have £500 to redesign your bedroom. Find out what kind of things you could buy and make a list to show how you would use the money.

* Help at an event where you have to collect money and give change.

* Keep a record of the money you are given and spend during one month.

* Find out about three types of money not used in your country. Know what the money is called, and which countries it is used in. If possible, have examples of the money to show others.

* Know how to open a savings account at a bank or building society. Find out about one savings account.

* Design a game that involves using money or that helps young children learn how to count.

* Make a birthday or address book. Use it to record at least ten people's details.

* Find out about different postage costs. Show that you can select the right stamps needed for an item.

* Carry out a survey of at least 20 people and share the results with the tester. The survey must include at least five questions.

* Show that you can tell the time using the 24-hour clock.

* Make up a number code. Use it to pass on a secret message.

* Plan a simple meal. Work out how much it would cost to buy the ingredients.

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