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Wednesday 31 August 2011

Welcome Miles Jack Davies

At 2.55am on Wednesday 31st August 2011

Jude and Steven

Were safely delivered of Miles Jack

Weighing in at a good 6lb 7oz

However, Miles due date was 24th September and because he was premature his lungs hadn't fully formed, hence he is not feeding properly.  He is in the Special Care Baby unit as a precautionery measure and has tubes inserted to assist his breathing. This should only be for a couple of days.

Welcome Miles

At 2.55am on Wednesday 31st August 2011

Jude and Steven

Were safely delivered of Miles Jack

Weighing in at a good 6lb 7oz

Less than 30 minutes old

However, Miles due date was 24th September and because he was premature his lungs hadn't fully formed, hence he is not feeding properly.  He is in the Neo Natal Intensive Care unit as a precautionery measure and has tubes inserted to assist his breathing. This should only be for a couple of days.

In the afternoon i visited Jude and Steven and went to see Miles in the Neo Natal unit he is just so so tiny, perfect and gorgeous

In Neo Natal Unit
I also presented Steven and Jude with the quilt i had made and was delighted with.

Miles Quilt i Made

Saturday 27 August 2011


If you read a lot of books, you are considered well read.

But if you watch a lot of TV,
you're not considered well viewed."
** *Lily Tomlin*

Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 20 (Saturday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: John chapters 17 through 21

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you
have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John

What does it mean? God’s Word tells us, “the just shall live by faith,”38 yet many
of us still live by what we see and feel. Feelings are fleeting. What is seen is only
The Weymouth translation of Hebrews 11:3 states, “Through faith we understand
that the worlds came into being, and still exist, at the command of God, so that what is
seen does not owe its existence to that which is visible.” What we see is made of the
substance of faith, so it is vital to our existence to become conversant in the language of
faith contained in the Word of God.

Those who believe in what they have not yet seen are blessed because their
faith is based on something higher than physical circumstances. Facts are subject to
change. Truth is higher than facts and cannot be changed. What science may call
“magical thinking,” Christianity calls faith. It is the substance of things hoped for and the
evidence of things not seen.

My favorite definition of “blessed” is this: “empowered to break through to
success.” Jesus is saying that you who believe are blessed. You are empowered by
God to break through to success in every area of your life. The Amplified Bible in I
Chronicles 14:11 calls God “the Lord of breakthrough.” Breakthrough is His specialty.
He will not let you be ashamed that you put your trust in Him. “For the eyes of the Lord
run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those
whose heart is loyal to Him.”39 You cannot fail!

Today I proclaim (say aloud): Jesus said I am blessed because I believe even
though I have not fully seen. Being blessed, I am empowered by God to break through
to success. I’m stepping up and stepping out in faith. I am stronger than I was 21 days
ago. With God all things are possible. Hallelujah! (Praise God for who He is and for
being the Lord of your breakthrough!)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends (Journal).
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Chicken salad, fruit, yoghurt


Jacket pot, beans, cheese

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 Mins Praise moves, 5809 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Lord, I trust You to help me continue to develop
these healthier new habits I’ve been walking in the last few weeks. My body is the
temple of Your Holy Spirit and it is my joy to glorify You in my body and in my spirit,
which are Yours.

Reflections on the day

Fun with Jelly Bean

After feeling contractions in Tesco on Wednesday and us spending the rest of the day with jude wired up to baby monitors. I got up to the hospital today around 9am surprisingly Jude was still in the Delivery Suite where I left her at 4:30am. She was soon moved to Castleacre Ward. It was soon clear to the midwives that the contractions had stopped and all Jude was feeling now was the baby moving (with less padding Jude can feel it more)

Jude has now finished her steroids these where used to strengthen the babies lungs, because babies born before 37 weeks sometime are born with under developed lungs. Yesterday they changed her antibiotics at least twice, they are now aimed at preventing the baby from getting an infection.

She has had the baby monitored a few times today and his heart is beating strongly, she also had an ultrasound scan that not only showed the babies head had formed a plug stopping any more fluid coming out and showed him to be a good weight 6lb 4oz so he his looking healthy

It still is a waiting game and it all up to the baby now when he arrives, the hospital is happy for nature to take its course, wether that mean he's born this weekend, in 2 weeks time or carries on until 40 weeks. They would however like him to stay put for the next 2 weeks

Fingers crossed Jude and her belly still attached will be home tomorrow and monitored daily.

But baby and mum are healthy and I have to say I am proud of both my girls they have been very grown up when I have talked to them, they will make the best big sisters in the world.

From Steven's Blog

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 19 (Friday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: John chapters 12 through 16

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who
abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John

What does it mean? Just as the branches cannot bear fruit without the vine, the
vine cannot bear fruit without the branches.
What is the fruit of the Christian life? We have discussed the fruit of the Spirit
being developed in our lives (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control33). There’s the fruit of leading others to the
Lord,34 and the fruit of giving aid and finances to help others.35 The sacrifice of praise to
God is offering “the fruit of our lips.”36 Good works and meeting the needs of others for
the glory of God also bear fruit.37
The beauty of bearing fruit in the Lord’s vineyard is that the harvest is continual,
not seasonal. The fruit is not short-lived, nor does it wither and die. The fruit we bear by
abiding in the Vine is eternal. Jesus said, “And he who reaps receives wages, and
gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice
together” (John 4:35).

Perhaps you have been sowing seeds of love and service into the lives of others
for years without seeing the fruit of your labors. You may wonder if that young man or
young woman you witnessed to all those years ago ever came to the Lord. The good
news is that eternal fruit never dies—the one who sows and the one who reaps will
rejoice together—so rejoice!

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I am a branch of the living Vine, Jesus Christ. I
abide in Him and He abides in me. Together we bear much fruit. Without Him I can do
nothing, but with Him all things are possible! (Praise the Lord for who He is and for the
opportunities He gives you to sow seeds into the lives of others, yielding eternal fruit for
God’s kingdom.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends (Journal).

I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Chicken salad
Sausage sandwich, crisps

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 min Praise Moves, 7139 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. I pray to know Your truth more fully every day.

Reflections on the day

Day 18 (Thursday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: John chapters 7 through 11

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples
indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31, 32).

What does it mean? Some years ago I overheard the ultra-hip young star of a
popular network sitcom tell his young friend, “Hey, the truth will make ya free, man.”
Yeah, like wow.
That may sound deep and spiritual but it’s not only misquoting scripture, it’s
incorrect. If someone does not know the truth, the truth cannot make them free. Jesus
said, “And you shall know the truth…” It’s the truth that we come to know by abiding in
the Word that makes us free.

Jesus said when praying to the Father, “Your word is truth.”30 We will know the
truth by abiding (living, spending time) in the Word on a daily basis. I would be fooling
myself if I said I’m abiding in a house I rarely visit. It would be equally foolish to say I’m
abiding in the Word because I listen to a passage of Scripture once a week at church.

When I was a new Christian, there were so many areas of lack and bondage in
my life I hardly knew where to begin! One area of weakness was in the area of
diligence. I could start a project all right, but had a difficult time finishing what I started. I
began to study every scripture I could find on diligence. I memorized several of them
and spoke them over myself. For example, I learned that Proverbs 12:27 said that
“diligence is man’s precious possession.” When I would be tempted to quit something
that became difficult or uncomfortable, I’d tell myself, “Diligence is my precious
possession.” For good measure I’d throw in “The hand of the diligent makes (one) rich,
Laurette.”31 I quickly discovered that part of my financial problem was tied to a lack of
diligence. In time I became more dependable and our financial situation improved, too.
The Word is not some “magic formula” or vain repetition. We study, believe,
speak, and act upon the Word until we know that we know it’s the truth. That’s how the
truth makes us free.

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I study to show myself approved to God, a worker
who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth which sets me
free.32 (Praise the Lord for who He is and for giving you knowledge and understanding
of the truth.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice

Chocolate eclair

Chicken salad box


Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 20 min praise moves, 7034 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. I pray to know Your truth more fully every day.

Reflections on the day Took Dylan pictures then had a hospital visit as well as stressful day at work

Bewildered at Bewilderwood

Today we borrowed Stevens 7 seater Galaxy for a day out at Bewilderwood, the included me and Bob, 4 members of the Smith family and Dylans friend Callum Tall.

For those that don't know Bewilderwood is wonderland with a series of Tree houses and Adventure Play areas.

We left around 9am it was horrible and drizzly all the way however, Sophie had her Fairy Wand with her and wished for better weather and at lunch time the weather improved and turned out lovely, thank you Sophie.

Bob ended up missing the turning and we ended up in Norwich where we were supposed to be avoiding however we made it.

We started off entering via The Grubbles Greeting Gate.

Not wanting us to get lost it was signposted very well

We went along The Treachourous Trail and passed The Boggle Village

We then went to Bewilderville, Sophie was too scared to go up, but the boys enjoyed themselves

We then proceeded to the Muddle Maze

At the centre of the Maze was some steps and a rope bridge, to begin with Sophie refused to go up because she has a fear of heights but with coaxing from her Grandad she managed it, we were proud of her and she was so pleased with herself.

Sophie is now on a roll and decided to go back to Bewilderville and climb the Tree House, something she was too scared to do before

After managing that she proceeded to continue on and went over rope bridges and down stairs etc

We then had a packed lunch, it was interesting finding somewhere to sit down but we made it, and then continued on to The Broken Bridge where once again Sophie excelled herself this was very very high, she was upset by a rope ladder but she MADE IT!!!!!!

We then went to look at The Den Building

Then down the Trail following The Bag Man

Then we made our way to Sccaaaaary Lake near The Snack Shack for a Boat Trip, unfortunately because we were a big group, the Smiths took the boys in a boat and we took Sophie in another boat

The boat trip took us to Bewilderboat Junction where we got off and had a look round the shop Bizarre Bazaar, which proved very expensive.

We had a lovely day, the weather came out nicely, children were quite well behaved.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 17 (Wednesday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: John chapters 3 through 6

My Scripture for today: “Then Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Do you also want to go
away?’ But Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the
words of eternal life’” (John 6:67, 68).

What does it mean? Jesus, the Bread of Life, had just finished teaching at the
synagogue in Capernaum where He said, “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood
has eternal life.” At this point there were more than 12 followers of Christ. Other men
and women and their families traveled with Him. Yet when they heard this difficult
teaching many of them grumbled and were offended. From that point on those who had
only followed Jesus because of the signs and wonders He performed went back to their
old lives.

New converts and immature Christians can become quickly offended. Jesus
spoke of this in His parable of the sower. The seed of the Word which fell on the stony
ground (representing new or immature believers) sprang up quickly but withered away.
There were no “roots” to their faith. “They believe for a while,” Jesus said, “and in time
of temptation fall away.”
Disciples, however, consider Jesus to be more than “fire insurance.” To them He
is not only Savior, but Lord and Master over all aspects of their lives. Peter saw more
than signs and wonders when he saw Jesus. He saw the One who has “the words of
eternal life.” No matter how hard the sayings of Jesus were, he and the other disciples
knew there was no one like Him.

Even though they made mistakes and stumbled, the ones who continued on with
Jesus bore fruit like the seed sown on good ground. “Having heard the word with a
noble and good heart (they) keep it and bear fruit with patience.”

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I am a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I follow
Him because He has the words of eternal life. I give attention to God’s words; I incline
my ear to His sayings. I do not let them depart from my eyes. I keep them in the midst of
my heart; for they are life to me and health to all my flesh.29 (Praise the Lord for who He
is and for His eternal Word.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends .
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas.

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Chicken salad


Potato, cheese, bacon, bean pie
Sponge and custard

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 min power praise, 12103 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. I love You, Lord and cherish Your words of life. I will
let nothing come between us. Thank You for Your perfecting hand at work in my life

Reflections on the day

Monday 22 August 2011

Day 16 (Tuesday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Luke chapter 23 through John chapter 2

My Scripture for today: “His mother (Mary) said to the servants, ‘Whatever He
says to you, do it’” (John 2:5).

What does it mean? At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, Mary knew better than
anyone else that her Son was more than just a man. When the wedding hosts ran out of
wine Mary believed that her Son could help. She told Him, “They have no wine.” A
casual reading of Jesus’ reply might cause us to think He was being insensitive or
abrupt with His mother by saying, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with
Me? My hour has not yet come.” However, the Weymouth translation gives greater
clarity and seems in keeping with the character of our Lord. “‘Leave the matter in my
hands,’ He replied; ‘the time for me to act has not yet come.’”
Immediately Mary told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
Have you found yourself asking, “When, Lord, when?” or “Why, Lord, why?” It
may seem He is not acting on some pressing issue. You may wonder if He even cares. I
have good news for you today. The One who measures the oceans in the hollow of His
hand knows the weight of every matter which concerns you. He knows the exact
moment to take action. God’s timing is not our timing because His timing is always
Cast the whole of your care on the Lord today and hear Him say to you, “Leave
the matter in My hands. The time for Me to act has not yet come.” Then whatever He
tells you to do in His Word and in your heart, do it.
Today I proclaim (say aloud): “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.”25 I wait on the timing of the Lord, letting patience have its
perfect work in me that I may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.26 (Praise the
Lord for who He is, for His perfect timing and for perfecting everything that concerns

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends (Journal).
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas
Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Chicken Burger and chips - Wimpy

McFlurry - MacDonalds

Apple sponge and custard

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 3548 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Lord, whatever You tell me to do I will do. I will not
race out ahead of Your perfect timing, nor will I lag behind. My life is in the safest of all
possible places: Your hands.

Reflections on the day- Had to take Ili to Banbury today so completely out of routine eating on the go

Sunday 21 August 2011

The Busy Woman's Guide to Total Fitness: Strengthen Your Body and Spirit in 20 Minutes a Day byLaurette Willis

When asked what three of the most important things in life are, many Christian women say God, family, and health. Unfortunately, most women don’t think of their health until there is a problem. And they also may go for weeks without investing quality time in their relationship with the Lord until faced with a challenge or the realization that they feel empty inside.
In The Busy Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness, readers will learn how to “strengthen their bodies and spirits in 20–minutes–a–day” with:
  • quick and easy nutrition tips

  • energizing 20–minute workouts

  • prayer, meditation, and journaling suggestions

  • fitness for the spirit, soul, and body

  • a 21 Days to Total Fitness program

Day 15 (Monday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Luke chapters 14 through 18

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “Were there not any found who returned to
give glory to God except this foreigner? Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you
well” (Luke 17:18, 19).

What does it mean? In the King James retelling of the ten lepers’ encounter with
Jesus, the Lord told the one who returned to give thanks, “Arise, go thy way: thy faith
hath made thee whole.” All ten were cleansed of their leprosy “as they went” in
obedience to what Jesus told them to do, but one was made completely whole when he
came back to glorify and give thanks to God. In my mind, that means all ten were
healed of leprosy, but nine may still have shown the scars of their sickness. Lepers
often had missing fingers and parts of their faces and bodies eaten away by that
horrible disease. I believe the one who fell at Jesus’ feet and gave thanks was totally
restored without a trace of leprosy.

Thanksgiving and glorifying God brings wholeness of spirit, soul and body.
Wholeness is the Hebrew understanding of peace (shalom): nothing missing, nothing
Our position in Christ gives us access to His peace and wholeness in every area
of our lives—nothing missing, nothing broken. So, arise! Your faith in Christ has made
you whole.
And if you are standing in faith believing for the complete physical manifestation
of the healing you’ve received, just keep on “wenting” (doing those things the Lord is
telling you to do!). Your faith WILL bear fruit!

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I am alive in Christ! I thank You Father God for
giving Your Son Jesus so we can experience the shalom of God—nothing missing,
nothing broken. I delight in giving thanks to God. In fact, Father I want to thank You for
three of the biggest blessings in my life: _______________, _______________, and
_______________. (Praise the Lord for who He is and for the blessings most of us have
taken for granted.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends (Journal).
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Salad Box


Chicken, pots, veg, gravy
Apple sponge, custard

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 mins power praise, 10200 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. I rejoice in the Lord always. I stir up thankfulness in
my heart today. Lord, as I go about my day, please remind me of the many blessings in
my life. I commit my will and my life to You.

Reflections on the day, not too bad a day really

The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

Book of the Dead - The thrilling conclusion of the 'Diogenes Trilogy'
BThe ooThek of the Dead - The thrilling conclusion of the 'Diogenes Trilogy

Conclusion to the Diogenes Trilogy

An FBI agent, rotting away in a high-security prison for a murder he did not commit...
His brilliant psychotic brother, about to perpetrate a horrific crime...
A young woman with an extraordinary past, on the edge of a violent breakdown...
An ancient tomb with an enigmatic curse, about to be unveiled at a celebrity-studded New York gala...
The New York Museum of Natural History receives their pilfered gem collection back...ground down to dust. Diogenes, the psychotic killer who stole them in Dance of Death, is throwing down the gauntlet to both the city and to his brother, FBI Agent Pendergast, who is currently incarcerated in a maximum security prison.
To quell the PR nightmare of the gem fiasco, the museum decides to reopen the Tomb of Senef. An astounding Egyptian temple, it was a popular museum exhibit until the 1930s, when it was quietly closed. But when the tomb is unsealed in preparation for its gala reopening, the killings--and whispers of an ancient curse--begin again. And the catastrophic opening itself sets the stage for the final battle between the two brothers: an epic clash from which only one will emerge alive.

New Moon (2009)

Edward leaves Bella after an attack that nearly claimed her life, and in her depression she falls into yet another paranormal relationship- this time with werewolf Jacob Black.

Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart ...
Christina Jastrzembska Christina Jastrzembska ...
Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson ...
Billy Burke Billy Burke ...
Anna Kendrick Anna Kendrick ...
Michael Welch Michael Welch ...

Charlotte's Web (2006)

Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with Charlotte, a spider that lives in his pen, to ensure that this will never happen.

Julia Roberts Julia Roberts ...
Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi ...
John Cleese John Cleese ...
Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey ...
Gussy the Goose (voice)
Cedric the Entertainer Cedric the Entertainer ...
Golly the Goose (voice)
Kathy Bates Kathy Bates ...
Bitsy the Cow (voice)
Reba McEntire Reba McEntire ...
Betsy the Cow (voice)
Robert Redford Robert Redford ...
Ike the Horse (voice)

Day 14 (Sunday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Luke chapters 10 through 13

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will
be also” (Luke 12:34).

What does it mean? Notice Jesus didn’t say “Where your heart is, there your
treasure will be also.” He said for us to focus on what we treasure, and then we’ll find
what our heart truly values.

As followers of Christ, our relationship with the Lord is our dearest treasure. The
presence of the Holy Spirit and the Word we’ve stored in our hearts are treasures we
have in these “earthen vessels.” Our relationships with loved ones are dear to us, but
putting God first ensures all other relationships will go more smoothly. By focusing on
the eternal treasure of our lives in Christ and valuing those things the Lord values; we
will never be spiritually bankrupt.

Those who do not have a personal relationship with God have other treasures:
people, possessions, money, power, reputation, sports, education, religion, and a host
of other things to which they attach their self-worth and security.
When I was involved in yoga and the New Age movement before I became a
follower of Jesus Christ, I shunned people who condemned me, but embraced those
Christians who seemed genuinely interested in me. One day a Christian man who
showed appreciation for my “spiritual” songs said, “You know Laurette, Jesus is the
Word of God.” I was willing to listen to him because he wasn’t a stranger lecturing me
on my sinful lifestyle. His words reverberated in my mind for weeks and I committed my
life to the Lord shortly thereafter.

One way to show the love of God to unbelievers is to ask the Lord to reveal to
you what they treasure, for then you will have a door to their heart. Show interest and
side with them in the area of their treasure and look for ways to share the good news of
Jesus Christ.

Today I proclaim (say aloud): Jesus is my treasure and my portion forever. Thank
You Father for sharing Your dearest treasure, Your Son, to redeem mankind and give
us new life. (Praise the Lord for who He is and for helping you speak to the hearts of
others with His love.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority.

I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Sausage sandwich


Cheese and pickle toastie

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 6951 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Thank You, Lord, for giving me the key into the
hearts of people who are hungry and searching for You. As I go about my day today,
please give me the opportunity to shine the light of Your love into their lives so they will
be drawn to You.

Reflections on the day: not too good today with the kite festival, looking after grandchildren completely out of routine, it was a bit difficult/

Saturday 20 August 2011

Day 13 (Saturday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Luke chapters 7 through 9

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).

What does it mean? I’ve never physically put my hand to a plow to till the soil, but
I’ve put my hand to a number of projects over the years. One of the main objectives
when using a plow is to go forward in a straight line. If a farmer continues to look back
over his shoulder at what he has already plowed, he’ll start veering off in the wrong
direction. I’ve made that mistake while driving, only to catch myself going off onto the
shoulder of the road and correcting myself with a quick “Thank You, Jesus!”
The Amplified Bible offers greater clarity to Jesus’ admonition, “No one who puts
his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the kingdom of God.”
If the kingdom of God refers to God’s way of doing things in the here and now, we know
He doesn’t want us to be imprisoned by the things of the past. Faith is walking a straight
path forward no matter what happened to discourage us ten years ago or ten minutes
Perhaps you’ve looked back with longing to the way your life was when your
children were small, or when you were first married; to a long-lost love or the way your
body looked when you were 18! The Lord is telling us that dwelling on the past makes
us unfit to operate in the kingdom of God today. It’s not that He judges us unworthy, but
rather we are unable to act in faith today if we are pausing to consider yesterday.
Remember Lot’s wife!

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I don’t look back, but I look straight ahead. God is
my source of all good. He is able to make all grace abound toward me, that I, always
having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.23
(Praise the Lord for who He is and for setting His joyous purpose before you.)
What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends (Journal).
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Cheese and pickle toastie


Jacket pot, salad, cheese, beans
Meringe, fruit, ice cream

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 mins power praise, 9241 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today: 

I commit my day to the Lord. I entrust my day to You, Lord. I keep my focus on
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. I look straight ahead knowing Your Word is a
lamp to my feet and a light to my path. If I stumble, I will not fall, for I know You will lift
me up.

Reflections on the day

Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 12 (Friday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Luke chapters 3 through 6

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “Launch out into the deep and let down your
nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).

What does it mean? The Lord invites us to come to Him and receive everything
we need and we sheepishly hold out a thimble to carry home our blessings. It may not
be poor self image keeping us from receiving what the Lord has for us. It may be that
we don’t really expect to receive much. What do you expect to receive from God?
Jesus told Peter to trust Him—to launch out into the deep water and let down his
nets. Peter, an experienced fisherman, knew he had worked all night and caught
nothing. His mind and circumstances said there were no fish to be caught that day, but
to appease the Teacher he agreed to let down one net. I doubt he even launched out
very far from where they were. As you know, so many fish were caught that Peter’s net
broke and they filled two boats to the point of sinking. What would have happened if
Peter had launched out into the deep and let down all their nets?

Is the Lord asking you to trust Him? Is He asking you to launch out into the deep
and let down your “nets” for a haul? What is keeping you from taking action? Are you,
like Peter, looking at the seeming impossibility of the situation you face? Perhaps Peter
thought he was going to have to entice the fish to swim into the net himself, but he
didn’t. The supernatural is God’s responsibility. At the word of the Lord, let down your
nets for a huge, boat-sinking catch. He will fill it!

Today I proclaim (say aloud): I launch out into the deep and embrace all the Lord
has for me today. I expect great things of my God and King. I am not conformed to this
world, but I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. By God’s grace I am
proving that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Praise the Lord for who He is
and for filling your “nets!”)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends

I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice

Walnut cake

Salad Box, Banana


Sausage, egg, fries,
Fruit, meringue, ice cream

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 mins Power praise, 7337 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Lord, with You all things are possible, so I’m not
afraid to launch out into the deep. When You tell me to take a step of faith and trust You
today, I’ll do it. No more thimble-fulls for me! My nets are clean, mended and ready for
boatloads of Your grace, truth and love. I receive them by faith and step forward with
boldness today!

Reflections on the day: not too bad, failed at dinner couldn't make up my mind :(

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 11 (Thursday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Mark chapter 15 through Luke 2

My Scripture for today: Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be
to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).

What does it mean? Mary didn’t really understand everything that would happen
when the angel Gabriel told her she would give birth to the Son of God. There was no
way she could comprehend the magnitude of what God was about to do on earth. How
could she? It was beyond human comprehension. Still she showed her willingness to be
used of the Lord by calling herself His maidservant.
The prophet Isaiah offered a similar exclamation when He heard the voice of the
Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” (Isaiah 6:8) Even though
Isaiah considered himself less than worthy and “a man of unclean lips” he said, “Here
am I! Send me.” You may notice that God did not hesitate. When He found a willing
vessel, He immediately said, “Go!”
God is calling you to be His maidservants and vessel of His power today. Is it
because you are worthy of such an honor? No, but He is. A great woman of God once
said, “God is not looking for vessels of gold or silver, but for yielded vessels.”
Today I proclaim (say aloud): I will go where God wants me to go, do what God
wants me to do and say what God wants me to say today. With Mary I proclaim,
“Behold the maidservant of the Lord. Be it unto me according to Your Word, Lord.” And
with Isaiah I say, “Here am I, Lord! Send me.” God said He would never leave me nor
forsake me, so I know He goes with me, gives me favor with those I meet and He will
give me the words to say. (Praise the Lord for who He is and for the calling He has
placed on your life .)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate
I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends

I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Pasta salad


Minstrels, biscuits, cereal

Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 min power prasie, 11962 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Lord, I pray Your will be done on earth today as it is
in heaven. Thank You for sending me into my world to make a difference. Be it unto me
according to Your Word in Jesus’ name.

Reflections on the day- well taking sophie to the cinema knocked out my routine, well back on track tomoz

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Day 10 (Wednesday) ~ Christian Fitness Program

Bible Reading: Mark chapters 12 through 14

My Scripture for today: Jesus said, “‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the
first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these” Mark 12:30, 31).

What does it mean? We miss a lot if we just glance over these scriptures thinking
God gave us these commandments just because He didn’t want us to be drawn away
into idol worship. Everything God does is for our benefit and out of His enormous love
for us.

While pondering this scripture it occurred to me how immensely practical the
Lord is. By making the primary commandment love, God is helping build us several
different ways. 1. He is enabling us to stay close to Him (“God is love”17); 2. He is
teaching us to give sacrificially (“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son”18); 3. He is helping us build our faith (“faith working through love”19); 4.
He is giving us a weapon to fight fear (“Perfect love casts out fear”20); and He is
ensuring our victory (“Love never fails”21).
Let’s identify with love today by inserting ourselves into 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 with
the following:

Today I proclaim (say aloud): By God’s grace I identify with the love of God. I am
patient and kind. I do not envy. I do not parade myself or show off, nor am I puffed up
with pride. I do not behave rudely, nor do I seek after my own fulfillment or gratification. I
am not easily provoked. I think no evil. I do not rejoice in evil, but I rejoice in the truth. I
bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. I never fail
because love never fails. Love never fails because God never fails, and God is love.
(Praise the Lord for who He is and for filling you with His love.)

What is the Lord saying to me in this scripture?

I start the day with a clean slate

I start the day with a clean heart

Prayer: I pray for the leaders of our nation and those in authority. I pray for the
peace of Jerusalem and for the safety and effectiveness of our military at home and
overseas. I now lift up the needs of my family and friends
I offer up my personal prayers today. Lord, I pray for Your help and guidance in
these areas

Jesus said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive
them, and you will have them.” I believe I receive the answer to my prayers now. Thank
You, Father!

My Food Plan I commit to today:

Porridge, orange juice


Cheese and tomato toastie



Tummy Curfew: I commit to stop eating by 3 hrs. before bedtime.

My Exercise Plan I commit to today: 30 minutes power praise,  10566 steps

My Top Three Goals this Year Are:

Three Things I commit to do today:

I commit my day to the Lord. Lord, I love You with all my heart and soul, and all
the wealth and resources I possess. I hold nothing back from You. I love my neighbor
as I love myself. I am able to love, Lord, because You first loved me. I do not hate
myself, nor do I hate others. I choose to walk in love today and I will not fulfill the selfish
desires of my carnal nature.

Reflections on the day

Merlin and the War of the Dragons (Video 2008)

In 5th Century Britian, a young Merlin struggles for his place in his known land under the tutelage of The Mage, a local wizard whom sees the young man's potential for magic, as well as face off against his evil former friend, Vendiger, whom plots with a feudal warlord king to conquer all of Britian using an army of flying dragons, and only Merlin with the alliance of the local Prince Uther and Ingraine and a pair of mystical goddesses, can have the power to stop the evil from taking over the land.

Simon Lloyd-Roberts Simon Lloyd-Roberts ...
Joseph Stacey Joseph Stacey ...
Dylan Jones Dylan Jones ...
Hefin Wyn Hefin Wyn ...
King Vortigen
Jürgen Prochnow Jürgen Prochnow ...