Then because the Guide Leader retired 1st Hunstanton Guides was in threat of closure so i took the plunge and decided to take it on, this position ran from 28th October 2002 - 11th September 2006.
In 2006 i took my Sleepover License.
Then in 2006 Brownie Guider Susanne Durston decided to retire, i had not been happy at Guides for a while, and felt most strongly that the Brownie age was the age i was most suited to, and if there was no Brownie Unit, eventually Guides would fold as there would be no Brownies to feed from. So on 11th September 2006, i took on the role of Brownie Guider.
In 2007 i took the plunge and did something i said i never would i took my Pack Holiday License, if i didn't it meant the Brownies wouldn't be able to go on Pack Holiday, this made my the only person with a Pack Holiday License in the District.
Also in 2007 I was CRB'd (Criminal Records Bureau checked).
Due to 1st and 3rd Hunstanton Brownies numbers dropping and i had been with 1st Hunstanton Brownies on my own for a while and sometimes it was difficult, in 2009 we decided to join forces and meet at the Union Church (3rd Hunstanton Brownies Meeting Place), this has worked really well, although we are keeping our seperate identities, for historical reasons and if numbers start increasing, it would be easier to split than start a new unit.
In 2007 i became North West Norfolk Division Public Relations Advisor, eventually becoming Norfolk County PR on the 1st January 2008, due to travelling and family and work commitments i was forced to give it up in March 2010.
In 2008 i became Norfolk Website Administrator, for the moment this role is ongoing.
From approx 1989 i was the secretary of 1st Hunstanton Scouts and Guides until i resigned in May 2010.
Jenny joined Brownies in 1987, as a Brownie, became a Guide then a Pack Leader with 1st Hunstanton Rainbows, then a Young Leader, then Assistant Rainbow Guider, now she is 1st Hunstanton Rainbow Guider.
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