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Sunday, 19 September 2010


It is recommend that you drink 2 litres a day (8 glasses) set out over the course of the day.  However, scientists say slightly differently in that, although your body needs 2 litres a day, a lot of it comes from the food you eat and metabolise.  To do the respiration equation - sugar and oxygen turns into carbon dioxide and water (although of course this is vastly oversimplified!). 

Basically, if you need to drink you become thirsty and want to.  However, you need to make sure you chose water over diuretic drinks like tea when you are thirsty - keep the tea for when you fancy something hot instead.  Drinking too much at once can wash out your kidneys so little and often!

As far as making it more interesting goes, robinsons special R is good and low cal.  You can also drink diet drinks, but recent research suggests that they actually stimulate your appetite and so should be avoided!  A good start to the day is a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it - it sets up your system for the day.

One of the best things about water is that it is a natural appetite suppressant and so next time you're hungry, try to have a glass of water!

Just remember - water is great, but don't beat yourself up about it if you can't get down the recommended amount - you don't actually need that much.

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