I worked today little realising what was about to happen, about 3pm, Bob rang and intimated about going away, then i was virtually kidnapped from work at 4pm, at 3.30 Bob had booked a campsite at Lower Grange Farm near Coalville in Leicestershire for that very night for a 2 night stay, we virtually left immediately.
So we set off, on the way we realised Bob didn't know if he had been paid or not, hence NO MONEY, we had forgotten coats so NO COATS, At Peterborugh we found a shopping centre, Bob checked his bank account and breathed a sigh of relief that he had been paid, so we bought some food basics, and while we were there realised we had bought NO CUTLERY, CUPS, PLATES, TEA TOWELS ETC, so had to purchase some of them. Then we bought some Fish and Chips for tea and continued our journey, on the way we saw a very clear Rainbow with two fainter ones either side, not often you see a triple rainbow, we were hoping to arrive before 8pm as that is when they shut the gates for the night, but we had the ladies mobile number, we arrived about 10 past 8.
The campsite is on a working farm and was a lovely campsite, the first part is a cultivated area and then there is a field you can camp on. We chose the field, not too far from toilet entrance, their were good decent toilets and showers, a washing up area and information centre.
There was a chicken and duck pen, a rabbit pen and a goat enclosure nearby.
It was beautiful, quiet and idyllic, perfect for our needs, they owned all the land and we could walk where we liked, there was a babbling brook.
On arrival we had to put up the tent, which is where we discovered we had NO TABLES, After standing round a while trying to remember what to do, we got on and it was quite painless.
Then decided to rig up the gas and make a drink, but Bob couldn't get the gas to fit, luckily we had a primus so were able to make a drink, and leave the main cooker until the morning.
Then it began to rain, luckily we had set up camp before the rain came or so we thought, the rain got heavier and heavier outside and ummmm INSIDE, it was at this point we realised we had made a fundamental mistake on putting up the tent, however, we could do nothing now because it was dark and chucking it down with rain.
We now went to bed, and during the night it went drip drip drip, on my airbed, on my sleeping bag, we eventually fell asleep and woke up to a cockeral cock-a-doodle doing at 5am, to wet sleeping bags, airbeds and nightie. However, it was a lovely morning and turned into a beautiful day.
We got up and had a drink and went for a walk round the farm, then Bob figured out what he was doing wrong with the gas and we had breakfast, while i cleared up, Bob had a look at tent problem and got it sorted with very little trouble.
We hung the sleeping bags to dry and stood up airbeds and then left and went for a look round Coalville, i desperately needed a jacket/cardigan as i had been a little chilly, we had a pleasant look round i purchased a nice zipped cardigan and a couple of half price t shirts.
We chose to do 2 walks from the book Pub Walks in Leicestershire and Rutland, unfortunately, we did the walk minus the pubs.
Then we went to Bradgate Park, we entered the Park in the Newton Linford entrance, we followed a walk round the park. We started off following the steam, and saw lots of deer.
During the walk all Bob talked about was when we were to have our sandwiches, he reminded me of a child 'Mummm is it dinner time yet'.
We saw lots of Jackdaws
A Swift
A Pied Wagtail
There was a small yellow bird we kept seeing but not sure of identification.
We went to the tea shop and had a slice of cake and drink and then looked round the visitor centre, where the receptionist, comes from Cambridge and knew Hunstanton well, the place that shuts at 9pm she said, that is rather late i thought it shut at 5.30pm.
We passed Cropston Reservoir, and then started climbing upto Old Johns Folly, where we had our sandwiches a belated lunch.
Then on to the War Memorial
I was intrigued with the thought of the uniformed organisations parading up there on Remembrance Sunday.
We then started walking or was that crawling downhill back towards the car park, showing how tired i was Bob says there is a hole in the wall ahead, i thought he meant cash machine however he meant:-
I remember playing as a child hide and seek amongst the bracken.
We then reached the car park and had a cup of tea and then crawled back to the car. It was a lovely warm day, round Bradgate Park we did 15775 Steps and 7.22 miles.
Then we headed back to Coalville, and searched for a proper supermarket, we couldn't find a Tesco, Sainsburys or Morrisons etc, so had to settle for a Netto, but we got what we wanted, we bought a Instand BBQ and the makings of a BBQ for tea.
After tea we had a walk around the farm at dusk. Last night we got wet, we were dry tonight, but it was a clear sky and a lot more chilly. Was a lovely clear night with beautiful visible stars.
We had a good nights sleep but were again awoken by our neighbourly cockerel. Again it is another lovely day.
We had breakfast and broke camp and were ready to leave about 10am, we were on the way to spend the day at Foxton Locks when Bob got a call, last time he did a model railway show he left his baseboard at the show, the person who had it lived in Leicester, he had just got Bobs message that we were in the area, he lived in Beaumont Leys about 10mins from us, so we went and collected the Baseboard and then went into Beaumont Leys for a drink before continuing on our way.
Foxton Locks
We arrived at Foxton and commenced our Foxton Locks walk.
We went and had a look at the Swingbridge but it was closed for repairs.
We then went back over a hump back bridge and onto the towpath of the Grand Union Canal
We saw lots of Barges or Narrowboats, and spotted on called Dawn Treader and immediately behind it one called Debbies Delight.
Then we reached the Bottom of Foxton Lock where there was a swing bridge to allow the boats through
We had a look in the shop and to my dismay i had forgotten to bring my purse.
We then started the climb up Foxton Locks
At the top we had a drink and a slice of cake and then continued along the canal, we saw a Narrowboat with its sides opened selling traditional canal boat wares and several statues along the towpath.
We reached a bridge and went over and commenced going down the other side of the Canal.
We reached the site of the remains of The Boat Lifts, which was fascinating, and there are plans afoot to restore it.
We continued to the bottom of the Lock, and saw several monuments.
Then we made our way back to the car, and drove back, complete with purse so i could buy one or two souvenirs, and we had an ice cream sitting watching the boats going up and down the locks.
We then left for our journey home
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