PraiseMoves helps to improve flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ease with which one may move a joint through a specific range of motion. The greater one’s flexibility, the greater the range of motion a joint can move through. Tight muscles make many tasks difficult. By keeping the body flexible, many daily tasks such as bending and lifting are much easier.
At right, Laurette demonstrates The Altar. Strengthens arms, shoulders and core
PraiseMoves assists weight loss. Improving your flexibility with PraiseMoves can also help you during other forms of exercise such as walking, cycling and strength training, thereby improving your ability to exercise with more energy, burn more calories, and lose weight.
By improving your flexibility and strengthening your muscles with PraiseMoves, you will not only enhance your ability to perform daily tasks, you will also improve your posture, helping alleviate common aches and pains, reduce back pain, and increasing your overall sense of health and well being.
PraiseMoves can help to improve circulation. Stretching facilitates the delivery of nutrients to muscles, and assists in the removal of waste products that build up in muscle tissue during exercise. Stretching assists the lymphatic system’s ability to remove toxins from the body.
Above, children demonstrate The Reed, a great stretching posture, with its accompanying scripture: “A bruised reed He will not break and smoking flax He will not quench,” Isaiah 42:3.
PraiseMoves can help alleviate stress. Stress causes muscles to contract. A persistently contracted muscle becomes stiff and painful.
PraiseMoves not only helps relieve the stiff and painful muscles, but also decreases stress, promoting a relaxed disposition and gives a great sense of well-being.
PraiseMoves can help injuries to heal. Stretching is widely used in the rehabilitation of injuries. By stretching injured muscles gently, muscle fibers heal more quickly, with less pain and stiffness, and more strength and resilience.
PraiseMoves improves coordination and agility. As we become older the importance of flexibility increases. Lack of coordination and agility is a cause of numerous injuries and accidents. By increasing flexibility and promoting better coordination and agility, the likelihood of such injuries is reduced.
PraiseMoves can help keep tissues healthier. Stretching encourages the release of tissue lubricants. It prevents muscle fibers from adhering to one another and forming cross linkages that inhibit the natural fluid movement of muscles. Stretching helps to keep the elastin component of our muscles, and prevents the formation of stiff fibers. Stretching helps to keep tissues well hydrated and more functional.
The American College of Sports Medicine has published a position statement on flexibility that outlines its benefits, and gives basic guidelines for the minimum requirements for stretching programs. For many years coaches and athletes have used flexibility to enhance performance and prevent injury. The ACSM cites studies that show a decline in flexibility significantly reduces physical performance, increasing the risk of injury. Regular stretching can reduce the risk of injury, improving muscular performance and improving quality of life. There is also evidence that stretching may also reduce the mental and physical effects of stress and improve the function of internal organs.
The recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine include: A general stretching program that involves stretches for all the major muscle groups in the body. The use of static (motionless or stationary) stretching is probably the most effective form of stretching for the majority of people. During static stretching a joint is slowly moved through its full range of movement, until a stretch is felt in the muscles on the side of the joint being stretched.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a stretching program should be performed AT LEAST 2-3 days a week.
Physically, PraiseMoves strives to balance flexibility, strength, endurance and relaxation. Exercises are performed through full ranges of movement. This increases the body’s ability to operate as one functional unit.
PraiseMoves include gentle, deep diaphragmatic breathing, enhancing relaxation and flexibility. Muscles are stretched and strengthened through their full range of movement. Circulation improves. Internal organs, muscles, nerves, bones and joints all seem to benefit from stretching, an integral part of PraiseMoves.
During PraiseMoves, the changes in body position combined with gentle, deep breathing stimulate circulation, helping nourish all body parts, and removing built up toxins.
There is now evidence that gentle stretches help prevent or reverse OSTEOPOROSIS, actually increasing bone density, and can ease symptoms of menopause.
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