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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

How to ease arthritis pain

Arthritis symptoms can flare up even if you are taking medication. Your joints may become swollen and painful as more cartilage is worn away. However, it is not necessary to seek additional medication or a surgical procedure to control these painful episodes. You can reduce arthritis pain with remedies that are simple and inexpensive.

  1. Protect Your Joints

    • Consider your joints before undertaking any physical task, even something as simple as reading a book. Just holding a book in your hands without any other support can bring on an arthritis episode. Look for alternatives for daily activities that may affect your joints. Instead of lifting a box, slide it across the floor. Open a door with your shoulder whenever possible to avoid straining the joints in your hand. Use the handicapped entrances and exits around buildings instead of climbing stairs.


    • Exercise between bouts of arthritis swelling and pain. Walking is one simple way to begin an exercise regimen; you can begin with three 30-minute walks per week. This strengthens joints in your legs and prolongs the pain-free periods. Engage in light weight training to exercise your arms and hands. Additional benefits of exercise include heightened energy levels, an improved mood and weight loss. Losing weight can take the burden off your joints and further reduce painful arthritic attacks.


    • Know when it's time to quit. If the joints in your fingers are killing you, stop using them and take a break. If your knees are swelling up, sit down for a few minutes. You cannot work through an arthritis spell nor can you walk it off. Increase the relief you experience by taking a warm bath. Moist heat penetrates joints and relieves arthritis pain. The application of heating pads is also effective.

    Use Assistive Devices

    • Buy a cane and ergonomic equipment designed to reduce physical stress on the body. These items may cost money, but they are worth the investment if they bring you relief. For example, some manufacturers make can openers with larger parts to enable people to use them with less pressure on their finger joints. These devices are designed to avoid workplace injuries, but they are also ideal for people with arthritis.

    Plan All Your Physical Activities

    • Plan your daily activities carefully. If you have a lot of physical labor to accomplish, organize the day so that periods of hard work are interrupted by opportunities to rest. If you are going to walk more than usual, bring a cane and begin using it before you feel pain. Prepare your house for the bath or the nap that you will take at the end of the day.

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