The day dawned bright and cheerful, had panic about Bob's suit as the trousers were badly creased, because it hadn't been hung up properly. Bob is also not well he has got a red swollen leg, pain in the groyne and having breathing problems, he looks really ill.
Had an hair appointment at 9am, i had my hair straightened and am very pleased with it.
We arrived at the LeStrange at about 11.15.
After milling around chatting, we had our photos taken and went in the service took place in the small dining room.
It was a moving service and moved me to tears, as it did Debbie. Gary and Sarah chose a lovely reading all about marriage, i would like to get a copy if poss.
We then went outside for the photos, it was lovely and sunny.
Debbie and her Boys |
The Leeson Girls |
The Madam |
Then we went in for a meal a lovely 3 course meal
I had Chilled Fan of Lemon with Sorbet, Supreme of Chicken cooked in White Wine with smoked bacon, leks and wild mushroom in a cream sauce followed by Chocolate and Pecan Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream, delicious, Followed by Coffee and Mints in the lounge. To make it more memorable Kevin served us.
Kevin serving up Roast Potatoes |
Kevin serving up Roast Potatoes | | |
The Terrible Twosome |
He's forever blowing bubbles |
This evening we went back to the LeStrange for the evening reception, Janet and Richard went, and the surprise of the evening was when our cousin Sarah and Paul turned up from Leicester, they never intended coming because of the distance, but after seeing pictures on Facebook, just had to come, it was great and moving to see them.
Janet and Richard |
Debbie and Sarah |
On the way home at about 11pm, we followed a Muntjac deer for a short way.
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