Jenny was christened in November 1980 at All Saints Church, Mattishall.
When Jenny was a few months old she developed Febrile Convulsions, she only ever had them occasionally when she had a high temperature, calpol solved this.
1 year old.
Bobs nickname for Jenny was Dumpy.
Jenny was terrified of dogs, we had a black labrador named Susie, we couldn't leave her in the same room as Susie or in the garden with her, it became impossible, she even screamed if i held her while pushing the pushchair, when she was about 3 we made the decision to give her up, i had to cross the road if we saw a dog coming. When she got to pre teens she outgrew it, but i can't say she ever liked dogs.
Jenny attended Mattishall Playgroup, Mattishall First School, Hunstanton First School, Redgate Middle School and Smithdon High School.
Jenny hated playgroup and school at first, she screamed and screamed as i left, prompting me when she was at playgroup, to leave do some shopping and go back and look through the window to see her playing nicely.
When Jenny was young she lived in a world of her own and was always wondering off, once at a computer show in 1986, she disappeared completely and we had to have an announcement put over the tannoy, some kind lady found her. She also wondered off once when we visited Andover.
Jenny was always falling over she forever had scrapes on her knees.
In August 1987, we went on Cub Scout Camp with 1st Mattishall Cubs, with Kate Lynn and her daughter Jessica, Jessica and Jenny had their own small tent, the camp was in Old Hunstanton, one night we were woken about 2am by some noise on going to investigate we saw two little girls dancing and singing round the Flag Pole in nightdresses and bare feet. Jenny spent her birthday on camp.
In 1987 Jenny joined 1st Hunstanton Brownies with Brown Owl Susanne Durston.
Jenny in the new Brownie Uniform 1988.
Jenny continued through Brownies, then joined 1st Hunstanton Guides, she became a pack leader with 1st Hunstanton Rainbows in 1992, this led on to her becoming a Young Leader then Assistant Rainbow Guider until she became a Rainbow Guider with 1st Hunstanton Rainbows.
Jenny was a member of the Princess Theatre Youth Drama Group for a few years
In 1990 Jenny for a short time joined a majorette troupe.
In 1991 while on holiday at Pontins, in St Marys Bay in Devon, Jenny climbed a wall, then jumped off the other side, which was a lot higher, thus she went with such a crash, she ended up in hospital and lost her 2 front teeth.
During Jenny's pre/early teen years, she started developing problems where she lost the strength in her legs and arms with her speech being affected occasionally, after a lot of tests the powers that be against my better judgement decided she had Epilepsy, she was put on very strong medication which resulted in hair loss, aggression and weight gain, she remained on this medication for about 3 years, when it was prooved ineffective she went to Addenbrookes for brain tests which conclusively revealed that she did not have Epilepsy, she was then gradually weaned off of her medication.
I have felt, that panic attacks could be a possible solution, she still has the attacks but not as frequently.
In 1994 I got a call from Jenny's school in the afternoon, Jenny had not turned up for afternoon registration, so the police got called out and looked for her, she turned up when she should have come home from school, after questioning her it appears she went strawberry picking with some friends, this was the first and last time she played truant.
In 1995 Jenny was Confirmed at St Edmunds Church, Hunstanton
In her mid teens Jenny developed a hole in her shin, which gradually got bigg, you could see right to her bone and all the white muscle within, it didn't bleed or appear to cause pain, Jenny went to the doctors who treated it by packing up the hole and then covering it, she went back to see the nurse regularly for several months till it was better.
In 2000 Jenny had a daughter Sophie Paige, on the 7th June 2000.
In September she was named at the Union Church, Hunstanton followed by a tea at Hunstanton Scout and Guide Hut where Debbie and Jo ended up having a food fight.
After Sophie was born Jen and Sophie lived with us, but in 2001 we had a serious housefire, they moved in with Nannie for a while until they got a flat.
In 2003 Jen met Andy.
In 2004 Jen and Andy got married, they had a wonderful wedding at the Union Church and reception at Golden Lion.
In 2006 Jenny gave birth to my first grandson Dylan Andrew
Jenny helped out at Express Stationery till it closed in 2006.
Jenny and Andy have both helped out in Calendar Club.
Andy worked in Spar on High Street until he had to give it up due to poor health.
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