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Saturday, 19 March 2011

Jennys Health

During Jenny's pre/early teen years, she started developing problems where she lost the strength in her legs and arms with her speech being affected occasionally, after a lot of tests the powers that be against my better judgement decided she had Epilepsy, she was put on very strong medication Tegretol which resulted in hair loss (she woke up with clumps of hair on her pillow), moodiness, aggression and weight gain (since then she has always struggled with her weight), she remained on this medication for about 3 years, when it was proved ineffective she went to Addenbrookes for brain tests which conclusively revealed that she did not have Epilepsy, she was then gradually weaned off of her medication.
I have felt, that panic attacks could be a possible solution, she still has the attacks but not as frequently.

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