We left for our holiday around 9.20am in the Yorkshire Dales, there was a lot of traffic, weather was fine, after a couple of stops we arrived at Ingleton around 3pm. The cottage is lovely, lovely wooden floors, huge bathroom, four poser bed, it was tastefully furnished, a garden that backs on to a river, right next to a huge viaduct.
After unpacking we went for a walk to explore Ingleton, we walked round the busy but small village, went to look at the river, near a green area, where there was an outdoor swimming pool, while at the river Kevin was stepping on to the rocks in the river and slipped and got his bran new trainers wet and his trousers wet upto the knee. We then went to The Village Store for some shopping.
Sunday 29th May
I am threatening a cold, got a sore throat, after getting up we had breakfast and made a packed lunch. Then we left for Malham, they were having a Safari Week so there were lots of animals in all sorts of positions in peoples properties, we drove upto Malham Tarn car park we walked upto the Tarn which is a lake, the wind was very cold, as it was quite open, we walked for a short section on the Penine Way, we sat and had lunch and went back to the car, we drove back to the village and parked the car, and had a short walk round the village, then we went for a walk to Malham Cove, we followed a Beck upto the cove it had got very warm and was beautiful. The cove is a limestone cliff, there was people rock climbing, bird watchers looking for Peregrin Falcons, we then climbed the steps to the top of the cove, a lot of steps and some spectacular views, we then walked over a limestone road, just like stepping stones, we saw an unusual tree stump which had coins bent and pushed into it, it was covered with coins, we walked round the top of the cove and gradually started going down, we saw some spectacular views passed through fields of sheeps and cows as we were going down a hill, Bob said all we need now is a tea wagon we rounded a bend and there was one, after our tea break and ice cream we crossed the road and continued the walk by the side of a beck where we saw a specatular Waterfall called Janets Foss, Foss is scandanadian for waterfall and Janet is supposed to be the fairy queen who lives in a cave behind the waterfall. We continued on Kevin went up a hill to explore a cave and didn’t come back he went right through to the other side and came out a short distance further on. We eventually got back to the car after a lovely walk in perfect weather, completely shattered and exhausted. W are seeing lots of Horse Drawn Gypsy Caravans.
On the way home we stopped at the Little Chef for dinner.
Monday 30th May
Today we decided to go on the Waterfall Walk which is just round the corner from the cottage.
It was a lovely hot day, we packed up lunch and left, starting the walk about 11am, we walked to the start of the walk, there was a lot of people around, but it was lovely, it was very tiring and exhausting, it was only 4.5 miles long, but we went up and down lots of hills, saw some really wonderful sights, again we saw several trees with coins pushed into them.
We finished the walk about 5pm, then had a drink and looked in the gift shop, we got back to the cottage tired but satisfied.
Tuesday 31st May
Weather was lovely and sunny again. We left for Settle about 9.00am, to catch the Settle to Carlisle Train, the train journey took about an hour and a half with some spectacular scenery, we arrived in Carlisle about 11.30, everyone was very friendly in Carlisle and on the train, we took Kevin to Games Workshop and I went to Evans, we had some lunch and a walk round then caught the 3pm train back to Settle, when we arrived we went to the supermarket, then got back to the cottage and had a BBQ in the garden next to the river in a lovely sunny evening.
Wednesday 1st June
The weather has turned for the first time, it constantly rained during the day. So this morning we went to White Scar Caves and had a cave tour, which was very interesting, then we had lunch and decided to go to Hawes, on the way there we drove through clouds on the hill tops. When we arrived we visited the Wensleydale Creamery, and visited the museum, then saw them making Cheeses, and visited the shop and bought some cheese. We then wondered through town and had a look round and visited a Ropemakers workshop, which was interesting and like an Aladdins cave. We then had Afternoon Tea in a Teashop and left for the cottage, where Bob stopped in torrential rain to take photos of the Ribblehead Viaduct.
Thursday 2nd June
An awful day, torrential rain all day. We went to look round Kirkby Lonsdale, not much there so we went on to Kendal we had a look round, got completely wet through, we had lunch in a lovely little place, called Fingles, then we went back to the cottage, later me and Bob went out on our own, we went to Skipton hoping to see a movie but there was nothing on that appealed, so we went to Settle and had a lovely meal in The Royal Oak Hotel. During the evening weather improved, and was a nice evening.
Friday 3rd June
Weather better today. We started off with a tour round Ingleton, then we had breakfast and went up to Ribblehead Viaduct so Bob could take some photos in better weather. We then drove to Clapham and took the Nature Trail upto Ingleborough Cave, it was a pleasant walk along a river and lake, we took the tour of the cave which although wasn’t as long as White Scar was much better, more interesting and the features were more visible, it is amazing the simarlarity of names with White Scar. We then continued up to Trow Gill Gorge, when we got back to the cliff area we had a drink and while we were sitting there, we watched some baby birds coming quite close to us, there was a baby robin, baby blackbird and a baby Tit, then we went back down, it was easier going down, by the time we got back to Clapham we were exhausted and our feet were very tired.
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