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Saturday, 19 March 2011


Steven Robert is my oldest child and he was born on Wednesday the 30th November 1977, he was born in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital in Norwich at 12.15am he weighed in at 7lb 1oz, he had to go under an ultra violet lamp because he had jaundice.
During this time the family lived at 76 Burgh Lane Mattishall.
Steven was christened in All Saints Church by the Reverand Peter Moss, Mattishall on 9th April 1978, His Godparents are George Jackson, Stephen Jones and Debra Leeson.

We lived next door to Gloria Green and Steven became fast friends with her son Howard Duff.

Howard in front of Steven.
Bobs nickname for Steven was Grumpy.
In 1978, we had a power cut i was in the front room and Steven was crawling in the kitchen it went pitch black, Steven was screaming and sobbing the only was i could find him was by crawling on my hands and knees tapping the floor in front because i was afraid of treading on him.
In 1978, when Steven was about 7 months old i was doing some jobs and heard a muffled shriek i turned to have a look and Steven had slung all his toys out the toy box and had fell in the box head first, i could only see his feet kicking out of the box.
In about 1981, i was watching TV, kiddies were in bed, i heard the front door shut, i go and have a look, could see nothing then though i better have a look, opened the front door and there was Steven walking down the road in his pyjamas, he was sleeping, from that point on i used the deadlock.
In about 1981 Steven started horse riding, he loved it, when we moved he carried on horse riding at Holme, just after he came out of hospital he fell over the head of the horse, Bob and my hearts stopped, but he just got up and got back on. I spent many a Saturday waiting watching and applauding in the cold, frost and the mud.

In 1982 Steven was a Page Boy to Debbies first marriage to Mark Pishorn.

Steven attended Mattishall Playgroup, Mattishal First School and Mattishall Middle School, Redgate Middle School and Smithdon High School.
In 1982 when Steven was at Mattishall First School, it was a hot day, they all went after lunch, and Steven wasn't there, a search party was set up and he was eventually found fast asleep under the hedge at the bottom of the fiel
Me and Mattishall First School headteacher has a row, because Steven was left handed and she tried to force him to use his right hand.
In 1984 Steven joined 1st Mattishall Cubs, and when we moved to Holme in 1987, He transferred to 1st Hunstanton Cubs, carrying on to 1st Hunstanton Scouts, he then became as Assistant Cub Leader until he gave it up in about 2001.
Stevens first Scout Camp was to Fort William in Scotland, during the week he rang me from a shop, he was crying because he was so miserable, it was horrible and wet, he just wanted to go home, but it was just too far to go and collect him, i reassured him but felt awful.  He tried climbing Ben Nevis but had to give up and go back down.
Steven was born with a narrow mitral valve which restricted blood flow to the heart, Medical term Mitral Stenosis, this was discovered because he was very chesty and breathless during the winter months, he was placed under Doctor Taylor of Great Ormond Street who monitored it, when Steven was six in 1983 he was taken into Great Ormond Street for a repair, this failed and 4  later weeks when we attended an outpatient appointment he was kept in and he had the valve replaced, this meant he had to take anti coagulants to stop the blood clotting up his new valve.
The second time he was admitted the car was left in a restricted parking zone for 2 days and we got a parking ticket, we paid it and wrote a letter explaining why, and they refunded the fee.
During Stevens second time in hospital, the Queen Mother was scheduled to visit the Outpatients, and someone left a package in the waiting room, so all of the ground floor was evacuated.
While in hospital Steven made friends with a boy called David and we went and stayed with them for the weekend, when we got home.   He also attended a Hospital Cub Scout Pack.
During Stevens stay in hospital we stayed in a house round the corner called Rainbow House, it was run by a charity for parents of patients at Great Ormond Street, it had not long opened and we were interviewed by The Nursing Times about the facilities it offers.
Steven was taken to hospital because he swallowed a Lego Head.
In 1989 Steven won a competition to take part in the opening of the Sealife Centre.

Steven was confirmed on 1 Nov 1992 in St Edmunds Church, Hunstanton, Norfolk, England.

In 1995 Steven celebrated his 18th Birthday.

In 1997 Steven Married  Shirley then in 1998, on the 5th August they had a daughter Kira Jade.

Steven in 2004 at Jens wedding

Steven married Jude in 2006, she has a daughter Charlotte, born in 1998 the same age as Kira.
Steven and Kira at Steven and Judes Wedding

While Steven was at school he started working at Baggy Annes, when he left school he worked in Express Stationery till it finally closed down 2006, he then worked at The Golden Lion and Waterside, finally settling as the cook in a Residential Home Sunset Villa as well as doing the odd stint at Calendar Club.

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